Ключевые слова:
Key words: phonetics, articulatory, acoustic, auditory phonetics theory, linguistics, meaning, general, special, descriptive and comparative.Аннотация
Annotation: This article is dedicated to the theme “Phonetics as a branch of linguistic”. The study of phonetics and phonetics as a branch of linguistic has always been one of the most interesting, disputable and important problems of theoretical phonetics of modern English. Phonetics is a field in linguistics that specializes in studying single sounds within language. Phonetics concerns itself with how the sounds are produced, how they sound to other listeners and how the brain perceives the sounds. Like all linguistic fields, phonetics studies all languages. The main aim of the present article is to give information about phonetics and its contribution in linguistic. The main aim of present research puts forward the following tasks to fulfill: Articulatory phonetics is the study of how speech is made with the mouth, tongue and lungs. Acoustic phonetics is the study of how speech sounds acoustically, such as speech frequency and harmonics. -Auditory phonetics is the study of how speech is perceived by the brain.
Библиографические ссылки
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. Crystal, David Camb., 1997 “English as a Global Language”;104p
. Leontyeva S. F. M., 2002 “Theoretical Course of English Phonetics”; 21p
. Sokolova M. A. M., 1994 “Theoretical Phonetics of English”; 57p