Key words: Higher studies; governance; employment; curriculum; amendment; education.Abstract
Abstract: The UK is an advanced country in education. The oldest universities
like; Cambridge, Oxford, Glasgow and Durham have been also shedding a type of
impression even in present situation. In the field of English language Teaching (ELT)
also it has been investing a lot of money every year. As a developed country, its rate
of education, employment and investment in education is very high. Thousands of
students go to the UK for higher studies and earn valuable certificates each year. But,
because of open access in higher education institutions since 1990s, a number of
counterfeit higher education institutions were opened till 2010/2012 and collected
money from the abroad students. It degraded the life of students as well as the
prestige of the United Kingdom. More than a systematic development in education,
it brought type of pollution in higher education so the government of UK started
making amendments in higher education policies and foreign students since 2010.
So, in this study, along with lots of appreciations, I have made some comments which
would be useful for both the foreign students and the government of the United
Kingdom in case of education.