Key words: federal, hibernating, groundhog, whispers, necklaces, announcement, celebrates, harvest.Abstract
Annotation: I am going to talk about American traditions and first of all I have
to tell you that I found it quite difficult to justify what is a tradition or not. Firstly,
traditions vary from place to place and the with the USA being such a huge country
it is just natural that there are other traditions in the north than there are in the south.
So I tried to find traditions that are spread across the country or at least known across
the fifty states. Secondly, there are traditions that have a history and used to be big
one day, but lost their importance as time went by. I tried to pick the traditions that
are of importance to the average American citizen. That means that I will leave out
holidays like President’s day, where people know that it is a holiday, but it does not
really matter to them except if they get off school. So please excuse if I will leave
out things you consider important or experienced differently.