From the history of Ghulam Zafari's work and creativity


  • Zoirbek Tahirjan

Ключевые слова:

Key words: Drama and plays, theater life, magazines and newspapers, dramatic works, poems, stage works, musicologist, folklorist.


Abstract: This article describes the history of Ghulam Zafari, one of the great exponents of modern literature. In the article, you can recognize Ghulam Zafari as a representative of poetry, theater, director, playwright and many other fields. This article provides information about Ghulam Zafari's indelible mark in modern literature and many works that brought him fame.

Биография автора

Zoirbek Tahirjan

Andijan State Pedagogical Institute

A student of the 3nd stage of history

Mahmudov is the son of



Как цитировать

Zoirbek Tahirjan. (2024). From the history of Ghulam Zafari’s work and creativity . Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 26(1), 209–213. извлечено от