In the emergence of the Jadidist movement in Turkestan The place of Abdulla Qadiri's life


  • Zoirbek Tahirjan

Ключевые слова:

Key words: family of Abdulla Qadiri,


Abstract: This article describes the life history of Abdulla Qadiri, a classic representative of Uzbek literature of the 20th century, the founder of the Uzbek novel school. Through the article, you can see the information about Abdulla Qadiri's entry into modern literature and his difficulties in life.

Биография автора

Zoirbek Tahirjan

Andijan State Pedagogical Institute A student of the 3nd stage of history Mahmudov is the son of



Как цитировать

Zoirbek Tahirjan. (2024). In the emergence of the Jadidist movement in Turkestan The place of Abdulla Qadiri’s life . Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 26(1), 205–208. извлечено от