
  • Kakhkhorova Nigina Abdivakhidovna

Ключевые слова:

Keywords: student engagement, active learning, technology integration, collaborative learning, differentiated instruction, classroom culture.


Abstract. It is important for students to be involved in their learning and participate actively, as it helps them to be motivated and successful in school. This article looks at ways to get students more interested and involved in class. Based on research and educational ideas, it looks at different ways to help students learn better. This includes things like using technology, working together with others, and creating a comfortable and helpful learning environment. Moreover, it looks at how teachers help students get interested in learning and talks about how creating a happy classroom environment is important. Teachers can use these methods to make exciting and interesting classrooms that help students to be more involved and successful.                                       

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Kakhkhorova Nigina Abdivakhidovna. (2024). METHODS FOR INCREASING STUDENTS’ PARTICIPATION IN THE CLASSROOM. Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 20(4), 101–102. извлечено от