Ключевые слова:
Key words: dental implant, fixing cement, artificial crown, mathematical modeling, stress-strain stateАннотация
Abstract: Relevance. In modern dentistry, the long-term functioning of
artificial crowns on implants under the influence of systematic functional loads is
relevant. Purpose: biomechanical study in a mathematical experiment of the stress-
strain state (SSS) of the implant, artificial crown and fixing cement under functional
load in the vertical and oblique direction. Material and methods. A mathematical
analysis of the strength of the connection between an artificial crown and a dental
implant under the influence of vertical and inclined functional loads (150 N) was
carried out using the finite element method (FEM). Results. The parameters of the
stress-strain state (SSS) in a metal-ceramic crown, fixing cement, and titanium dental
implant were obtained . With a vertical load, a sufficient margin of safety in the
construction materials is shown; with an inclined load, the safety margin of glass
ionomer cement is exhausted and the maximum safety margin is noted in the cervical
zone of the implant and abutment screw . Conclusion. The choice of cement fixation
of an artificial crown to an implant is justified when installing an intraosseous
implant in a position as close as possible to the vertical axis of the artificial crown.
Otherwise, it is advisable to use screw fixation of the crown and the use of implants
with a reinforced screw when connecting the abutment and implant.
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