Ключевые слова:
Key words:Before, consists, development, memory, attention, intellectual, partially, practical.Аннотация
Before moving on to the main part, it is necessary to reveal the content of basic
concepts: method, active learning, activity, speech activity, productive types of
speech activity elation, play activity.
Method (from the Greek methods - research, path to the truth) - the way of
work of the teacher and student, with the help of which mastery of knowledge, skills,
skills is achieved, forms the whole worldview of students, their abilities develop.
Библиографические ссылки
Sample programs of basic general education. Foreign language (Second
generation standards). – M.: Education, 2009
Aylamazyan A.M. Current methods of education and training: business game.
– M.: Vlados-press.
Akhvacheva N.A., Pachina L.G. Game forms of educational activity as a
means of its activation in foreign language classes - foreign language at school
, No. 1.
Balaev A.A. Active learning methods. – M.
Belchikov Ya.M. Business games // Science and technology No. 5, – 1984
Belchikov Ya.M. Birshtein M.M. Business games – Riga: AVOTS.