Education and social education


  • Rizaeva Husniya Ubaevna

Ключевые слова:

Key words: social, reform, society, social structure, social pedagogy, pedagogical sociology, national education, nationalism, national mentality, interest, community life.


Abstract: In this article, opinions are given about the types of education and social education, their place in society. Information about the importance and necessity of education, the scientific traces of the scholars of the East in this matter are presented.

Биография автора

Rizaeva Husniya Ubaevna

teacher of the department of preschool education, pedagogy and psychology, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizomiy PhD associate professor



Как цитировать

Rizaeva Husniya Ubaevna. (2024). Education and social education. Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 28(1), 153–159. извлечено от