
  • Sultonova O.I.

Ключевые слова:

Kalit so`zlar: Suslo Butilkalar, gazlangan suv, ichimlik, karbonat kislota кvas ta’mi, anaerob bijg‘ish, konsentratsiya.


Annotatsiya: Yangi texnologik sxema deb ataladigan bijg‘itish usuli asosiy bijg‘ish jarayonida achitqilarning ko‘payishi va faoliyati uchun susloda erigan molekular kislorod bemalol yetadi, degan fikrga susloni kislorod bilan yana boyitish zarurati yo‘q. Amalda bunday bijg‘itish turlicha olib boriladi. [1] Ayrim zavodlarda kvas susloga achitqilar va sut kislota bakteriyalari qo‘shmasdan, lekin sut kislota qo‘shib tayyorlanadi. Bunda  bijg‘ish begona (yot) achitqilar ta’sirida sodir bo‘ladi. Bu achitqilarning xujayralari suslo sovitilayotganda unga sut kislota qo‘shilayotganda va kupajlashda shakar siropi qo‘shib aralashtirishda tushishi mumkin. Lekin susloga 11- va 13-irq achitqilarining aralash zakvaskasi qo‘shilganda eng yaxshi natijaga erishiladi[2].

Библиографические ссылки

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro`yxati:

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Ismatova S. N. Prospects of the use of quinoa and amaranth for expanding of food reserve of poultry farming //Isabayev I.B., Ergasheva Kh. B.,Yuldasheva S.J. // Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences, 2020, Vol. 7-8, pp. 26-30.

Ismatova S. N. Research of Impact of Direct Bioconversion of Secondary Grain and Fruit Raw Materials by Probiotic Microorganisms on Increasing the Protein Value of Feed Additives. //Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022, Vol.13, Special Issue 08 pp. 2370-2374.

Ergasheva K.B., Current State of Processing of Seed Wheat in the Republic //Yuldasheva S.J., Khuzhakulova, N.F., Ismatova S.N., Ruziyeva Z. //Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022, Vol.13, Special Issue 08, pp 2381-2386.

Ismatova S. N. Determining the optimal modes of the technological process of obtaining dietary flour from oat grain. // Ismatova S. N. Yuldasheva S. J., Khujakulova N. F.// In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 390), 2023, EDP Sciences.

Ismatova Sh. N. Alternativnыe istochniki sыrya dlya proizvodstva kombikormovoy produksii. // Ismatova Sh. N., Isabaуev I. B., Ergasheva X. B. //Universum: texnicheskie nauki, 2019, (12-2 (69)),str. 18-23.

Ravshanov S. Effect of water-sorption properties of wheat grains on hydrothermal treatment process.// Kholmuminov A., Musaev Kh., Baltabayev U., Ismatova Sh.// European science review, (2018), Vol.1(11-12), pp 74-78.

Ismatova Sh.N. Izmenenie ximicheskogo sostava kombikormov pri xranenii. //Yuldasheva Sh.J.// Universum: texnicheskie nauki, (2019), (5 (62)),str. 8-8.

Yuldasheva Sh.J. Obespechenie ekologicheskoy chistotы produktov dieticheskogo pitaniya. //Ismatova Sh.N.// Nauka i obrazovanie segodnya, (2018), (4 (27)), str.33-34.

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Ismatova Sh.N. Biologicheskaya sennost perspektivnogo sыrya dlya kombikormov. //Isabaev I.B., Atamuratova T. I.// In Sovremennыe aspektы proizvodstva i pererabotki selskoxozyaystvennoy produksii, (2019), (pp. 233-238).

Ergasheva, H.B, Enrichment of Wheat Flour with Shorts at Flour-Milling Enterprises// Khujakulova, N.//Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022, 13, pp. 2359–2363

Akabirov, L., Research of impact of discharge parameters of electric impulse on the damage of tissue cells of the fig and the drying process and determination of its parameters// Narziyev, M., Khujakulova, N.//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022, 2388(1), 012180



Как цитировать

Sultonova O.I. (2024). KVASNI YOPIQ BIJG‘ITISH USULLARI. Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 18(2), 252–255. извлечено от https://web-journal.ru/journal/article/view/4266