Mark Twain's Interpretation of Humor in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


  • Azzamova Nigora Rajabboyevna


Keywords: Mark Twain, humor, satire, irony, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, literary analysis


Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is renowned for its rich humor, which plays a pivotal role in defining the novel's tone and engaging readers. This article examines Twain's distinctive interpretation of humor, exploring its various forms and functions within the narrative. It highlights Twain's use of satire, irony, and playful language, and discusses how these elements contribute to character development and thematic expression. The study concludes that Twain's humor not only entertains but also offers critical insights into human nature and society.

Author Biography

Azzamova Nigora Rajabboyevna

Scientific supervisor



How to Cite

Azzamova Nigora Rajabboyevna. (2024). Mark Twain’s Interpretation of Humor in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 26(1), 278–283. Retrieved from