
  • Islom Kalandarov
  • Yusupova Zebo Khusnutdinovna


Key words: vitamin and mineral complexes, micronutrient fortified foods, dietary supplement, medicines, children, efficiency, safety indicators


The article analyzes that vitamins are essentially nutrients and do not belong to medicines, but they can specifically cure those diseases that were caused by their deficiency in nutrition. Monovitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes (VMCs) can be officially registered as dietary supplements or medicines. In both cases, they are intended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, lack of minerals and microelements, the doses of micronutrients in them are strictly guaranteed, and they undergo strict control before entering the market.


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How to Cite

Islom Kalandarov, & Yusupova Zebo Khusnutdinovna. (2024). DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS AND MEDICINES (COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS). Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 20(4), 8–12. Retrieved from