Avezov Alijon Khairulloyevich, Jonixonova Sevinch Jonibek qizi


  • Avezov Alijon Khairulloyevich Senior teacher of the Department of Mathematical Analysis of Bukhara State University
  • Jonixonova Sevinch Jonibek qizi Student of the direction of mathematics education of Bukhara State University


anintegrated mask, labor productivity, size, quantity of product, stocks of goods, disko, the volume of production of the product, Kobba-Douglas function, the curve line lorens, consumer achievement, productivity function.


take the flour particular cases the detection of the economic process, to learn the general qonuniyat keltirib waspaid to. The process is characterized by specific integrated fundamental forces of physics. Thus, the link between integrated variables to be expressed in the form of the process is clearly understood.

          This article describes the practical issues are to be applied after the application of clear and specific integrated integrated economic issues which came to where their charging methods charging and shown and the economic meaning of the right qo'lanishi integrated integrated in the economy of the accountat the tariff thinking about some economic understanding ofthe world and has been doing several issues cited.


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How to Cite

Senior teacher of the Department of Mathematical Analysis of Bukhara State University, A. A. K., & Student of the direction of mathematics education of Bukhara State University, J. S. J. qizi. (2024). ECONOMIC ISSUES THAT CAN BE SOLVED WITH THE HELP OF INTEGRAL: Avezov Alijon Khairulloyevich, Jonixonova Sevinch Jonibek qizi. Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 22(2), 373–382. Retrieved from

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