Madaminov Uktamjon Ataxanovich
Niyazbekov Usman Matnazar o’g’li
Keywords: Key words: clouds computing, individual, personal, traditional online blended.
Abstract: In this scientific article, the technologies that control the system of
education of students in higher education institutions are considered. Management of
training systems is a process that is carried out to organize the training process in
educational institutions, manage data, and increase the effectiveness of training.
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar:
Madaminov U.A., Mamatqulov M.S. Ma’lumotlar tuzilmasi va algoritmlari.
Innovations in technology and science education. Vol. 2, Issue 9. 05/2023, 10 -16.
Madaminov U.A., Bayramova Sh.D. Zamonaviy web texnologiyalar yordamida
multimediali web ilova ishlab chiqish. Innovations in technology and science
education. Vol. 2, Issue 9. 05/2023, 17-24.
Madaminov Uktamjon Ataxanovich, Qalandarova Kamola Shermat qizi. Ta’limda
zamonaviy raqamli texnologiyalar va ulardan foydalanishni o’rgatuvchi elektron
resurs ishlab chiqish. Innovations in technology and science education. Vol. 2, Issue
05/2023, 37-42.
Allaberganova M.R. Madaminov U.A. Methodology of electronic educational
resources creation and use of applications. International Journal of Applied
Research 2020; 6(6): 133-135.
Madaminov U.A., Urazboyev K.U. A Program Which Can Teach Students about
Java Program Language And Its Functions. International Journal of Advanced
Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 8, Issue 10, 2021/10. 2350-
U.A. Madaminov, D.R. Kodirov, E.D. Jolimbetova, Vizual dasturlash yordamida
amaliy masalalarni yechish. Ta’lim fidoyilari. 2022/6, 77-85p.
Ashirova A.I., Allaberganova M.R., Madaminov U.A. Creating an application for
training science. 2021 International Conference on Information Science and
Communications Technologies. DOI: 10.1109/ICISCT52966.2021.9670410.
Madaminov U., Ashirova A., Kutliyev S. Didactical potential of using the electronic
textbook in the process of learning computer graphics. Annals of the Romanian
Society for Cell Biology. 2021/4/14, 5207-5217p.
U.A.Madaminov. Methods of teaching and improving web programming in higher
education organizations. International Conference on Information Science and
Communications Technologies. DOI: 10.1109/ICISCT55600.2022.10146962.
Madaminov U.A. Zamonaviy raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalangan holda
pedagogik o'lchov me'zonlari elementlari va ulardan foydalanish uslubiyatini
o'rganish. Образование и наука в xxi веке. 2023.
U. Madaminov, Qodirov D. Creating an application for training science. Galaxy
International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. 2023/5/17, 295-300p.
Madaminov U., Qodirov D, Razzoqova Z. Oliy ta’lim tashkilotlarida mutaxassislik
fanlarni o’qituvchi mobil ilovalarni ishlab chiqish. Innovations in Technology and
Science Education. 2023/6/3, 813-816p.
Madaminov U., Xudaybergenov T. Use of modern digital technologies in the
educational process. International scientific conferences with higher educational
institutions. 2023/5/5, 699-701.
Madaminov U. Pedagogik jarayonlarda raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalanish.
Komputer texnologiyalari. 2022/4/30.
Madaminov U., Sadikov M. Development and application of computer graphics
training software in information technology. (ICISCT). 2021/11/3. DOI:
Madaminov U., Qodirov D., Avezov M. Use of visit karakalpakstan mobile app in
the development of tourism in the republic of karakalpakstan. International journal
on human computing studies.