Madaminov Uktamjon Ataxanovich

Tojiboyeva Lobar Erkinboy qizi

Keywords: Key words: Use of ICT in the field of education, Web technology, technology, innovative, concept, methodical, psychological, pedagogical teams, parameters, innovative teaching, Web 2.0 technology, Linked in, Moodle platforms.


Abstract: This article presents the advantages and disadvantages of using some
innovative web technologies in the teaching of science and developing imagination and
knowledge, as well as the methodology of using web technologies and the use of web
technologies in the field of education. Educational services are now adapted to digital
resources, the use of web and Internet-based services and the impact of the educational
process on students are also considered.


Madaminov U.A., Mamatqulov M.S. Ma’lumotlar tuzilmasi va algoritmlari.

Innovations in technology and science education. Vol. 2, Issue 9. 05/2023, 10-16.

Madaminov U.A., Bayramova Sh.D. Zamonaviy web texnologiyalar yordamida

multimediali web ilova ishlab chiqish. Innovations in technology and science

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Madaminov U.A., Karimova M.S. Oliy ta’lim tashkilotlarida web dasturlashni

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Madaminov Uktamjon Ataxanovich, Bektemirova Risolat Shukurla qizi. Python

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Madaminov Uktamjon Ataxanovich, Qalandarova Kamola Shermat qizi.

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elektron resurs ishlab chiqish. Innovations in technology and science education.

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Madaminov Uktamjon Ataxanovich, Abdalova Xilola Botirovna. Web

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technology and science education. Vol. 2, Issue 9. 05/2023, 43-49.

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Allaberganova M.R. Madaminov U.A. Methodology of electronic educational

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Madaminov U.A., Urazboyev K.U. A Program Which Can Teach Students about

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U.A. Madaminov, D.R. Kodirov, E.D. Jolimbetova, Vizual dasturlash yordamida

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Madaminov U., Ashirova A., Kutliyev S. Didactical potential of using the

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U.A.Madaminov. Methods of teaching and improving web programming in higher

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U. Madaminov, Qodirov D. Creating an application for training science. Galaxy

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Madaminov U., Qodirov D, Razzoqova Z. Oliy ta’lim tashkilotlarida

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Madaminov U., Xudaybergenov T. Use of modern digital technologies in the

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Madaminov U. Pedagogik jarayonlarda raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalanish.

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Madaminov U., Sadikov M. Development and application of computer graphics

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Madaminov U., Qodirov D., Avezov M. Use of visit karakalpakstan mobile app

in the development of tourism in the republic of karakalpakstan. International

journal on human computing studies.

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