Imam Abul Mu’in an Nasafi


  • Oripov Shahjahan Furkat ugli

Ключевые слова:

Keywords: abul muin nasafi, nasaf, Bukhara, kalom, bahr al-kalom fi I'lm al-kalom, tabsirat al-adillati fi ilm al-kalom, at-tamhid li-qavoi'd at-Tawhid fi I'lm al-kalom, Baghdad.


Abstract: abul muin nasafi is one of the most important scholars of the moturidi school of thought after imam moturidi. abul muin nasafy received his primary education in nasaf and then continued his education in samarkand bukhara. abul MU'in al-nasafi has written about fifteen works, most of which are devoted to various aspects of theology.

Биография автора

Oripov Shahjahan Furkat ugli

Karshi State University

2nd year student of the Faculty of History



Как цитировать

Oripov Shahjahan Furkat ugli. (2024). Imam Abul Mu’in an Nasafi. Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 23(1), 3–7. извлечено от