Editorial Team

Editorial Team

Saidova Mohinur JonpolatovnaDoctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Primary Education, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute

 Formanova Shoira Bobonazarovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Pedagogical Sciences, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan

 Saydaxmetova Shaxnoza Ravshanbekovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Pedagogical Sciences, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan

Yuldasheva Nilufar Ibrokhimovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Art Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Art Studies, "Art History" Department

 Shukurova Ugiloy Umarovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Psychological, Docent of Psychological Sciences, Council of the Gulistan State University of Uzbekistan

Abdullayev Baxodir Abdugafforovich, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of "Accounting and Management" of the Andijan Machine-Building Institute

Turakulova Оkila Amirkulovna, Doctor of Philosophical Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language Education at the Alisher Navoi University of Uzbek Language and Literature.

Karimov Sherzod Vafo O’g’li, Doctor of Technical Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Mining Department of the branch of the National Research Technological University MISIS in the city of Almalyk

Khusanov Anvar Djumbaevich, Head of the Department of Forensic Science of the MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD).

Khakhorova Shahnoza Abdimuminovna, Karshi State University, Associate Professor of the Department of Literary Studies, Candidate of Philological Sciences. Uzbekistan

 Matchanov Alimjan Atabayevich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

Ramazanov Bakhrom Gafurovich, Associate Professor of the Department of "Chemistry" of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Zhalilov Rashid Babakulovich, Professor of the Department of Energy of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Boltayev Mansurjon Sotivodiyevich, Dosent, Department of Civil Law at Tashkent State University of Law, DSc in Law.

Iminov Abdurasul Abdulatipovich, Head of the Information Technologies Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences.

Kudratova Umida Rakhmatovna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department "Social and Humanitarian Sciences". Tashkent State University Of Economics.

 Abdurakhmanov Abdurashid Atahanovich, Andijan Machinery Institute "Mechanical Protection", Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Graduated From Tashkent Institute of Construction and Light Industry, Knitting Engineer - Technologist

Togayeva Gulandom Jumayevna, Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Docent, PhD of Candidate of Philology

Kuliboyev Azamat Shonazarovich, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department "Budget Accounting and Treasury” of the Tashkent Institute of Finance

Turakulov Anvar Ergashovich, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor, Department of “Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics”, Termez State University

Kuziev Jakhongir Madaminovich,Research institute of Soil science and Agrochemistry, Head of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in agricultural sciences, senior researcher.