WOMAN IN MUSLIM SOCIETY Problems of transformation of social and legal status


  • Malika Shermatova

Ключевые слова:

Key words. Islam, religious, shariah, Quran, women`s right, feminism


Abstract. In the modern world, more than half a billion women comply with the requirements of traditional Islamic norms, as they live in societies in which religious canons operate. In many Muslim countries, the role of women in family and social life, as well as the state of women’s rights in general, is viewed through the mirror of religion. In other words, the context of women's rights is determined on the basis of Sharia, as interpreted by traditionalist Muslim theologians through government legislation. And we must admit that the influence of religious dogma often has serious negative consequences for the social and legal status of women in these countries.

Библиографические ссылки

Sharia marriage and conditions for its conclusion. Makhachkala. Publishing and Printing Center of DSU, 2002.1.1 pp;

Problems of polygamous marriages and their features in Islam. Publishing and Printing Center of DSU, 2002.0.6 pp;

Abdel Rahim al-Ali Nasser. Universalism and the Islamic concept of human rights and freedoms: Abstract of the thesis. cand. legal Sciences. - M., 1999. - S.

Sura "Cow", ayat 282.

Wadud Muhsin Amina. Quran and Woman, Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd., 1992, p. 85; Fazlur Rahman. Major Themes in the Quran, 1982, p. 49. A.A. Ignatenko ISLAMIC STUDIES. 2010. No. 3 169

Sura “Women”, verse 11.

Sura "Meal", ant 83, sura "Light", ayat 2.

See more about all this: Mustafa al-Siba'i. Al-Mar'a bayna fiqh wal-eve. (Woman between fiqh and law). Aleppo. Al-Maktaba al-'arabiyya, 1962; Muhammad Izzat Darwaza. Ad-Dustur al-kur'an fi shuun al-hayat.

(Quranic norm in life affairs). – Cairo: Isa al-Babi al-Halabi [B. G.]. -FROM. 78.

See: Surah Women, verses 11-12, 47.

Sura “Women”, verses 32, 34.

Amina Wadud-Muhsin. Quran and Woman, Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn. - Bhd., 1992. - P. 71.

Sura "Meal", ayat 106; Sura "The Cow", verse 180.



Как цитировать

Malika Shermatova. (2023). WOMAN IN MUSLIM SOCIETY Problems of transformation of social and legal status. Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 5(2), 35–41. извлечено от http://web-journal.ru/index.php/journal/article/view/630