Key words: Society, modernity, education, freedom, national idea, spirituality.Abstract
Abstract: In this article, no matter how much our people suffered from national oppression and social injustice during the colonial period, no matter how much they suffered, they were never depressed. Looking to the future with complete confidence, it is said that he has consistently fought for freedom and freedom against national oppression and colonialism in various forms.
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J. Mustafayev. The Emergence Of Jadidism And The Period Of Mahmudkhoja Behbudi's Activity. Published in International Journal of Research (IJR) with ISSN 2348-6848, (Online) and 2348-795X (Print), Vol. 7 Issue 5 Month May Year 2020, India. Impact Factor 5.60, The journal is indexed, peer reviewed and listed in UGC Care. Page: 450
"Majid Qadiri - History"
"Majid Qadiri and Uzbek literature"
Karimov, Naim. "Foundation of modernism as the basis of the national idea".