
  • Tursunov is the son of Abdujalal Adham
  • Mustafayev Jafar Shomirzayevich


Key words: Majid Qori Qadiri, Uzbek literature, mysticism, patriotism, spiritual and moral views


Abstract: This article provides detailed information about the creative heritage and spiritual views of Majid Qori Qadiri. The article covers topics such as the life of the writer, his most famous works, their essence, patriotism, justice, mystical ideas. Also, the significance and relevance of Qadiri's heritage in the present period will be revealed.


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How to Cite

Tursunov is the son of Abdujalal Adham, & Mustafayev Jafar Shomirzayevich. (2024). THE SPIRITUAL HERITAGE OF MAJID QORI QADIRI. Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 21(8), 141–144. Retrieved from