Ozodbek Yo’ldoshev
heritage, national, history, scientific works, poetry, “Tanobchilar”, literature, Soviet union, mukhammas, satire, democtratic poetAbstract
This article describes in detail the life and work of Muhammad Aminkhoji Mukimi, the works that he made throughout his life, and the unforgettable creative works that he wrote in the name of his scientific and philosophical heritage. Over the past century, a number of effective works have been carried out in the name of Mukimi. If we turn to history, then in 1950 the poet’s works were published in Russian in Moscow under the title “Lyrics and Satire”. In 1953, on the 50th anniversary of the death of Muhammad Aminkhoji Mukimi, a number of studies were created about him, and a number of other studies were written on the basis of Mukimi studies.
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УА Азимова International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation ЛИТЕРАТУРНО-ЭСТЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ВЗГЛЯДЫ АРИСТОТEЛЯ* - 2023
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