Abdullayeva Nodira Qamaraddin qizi

Ключевые слова: Keywords: operating system, Windows, program, menu, mouse, IOS, DDE, Clipboard, OLE, Mbyte, MS DOS, version, monitor, printer, CD Player, Character Map, Calculator, Briefcase, Paint, etc. ..


Abstract: We provide the most relevant information about operating systems,
their types, principles of operation and operating systems. The article tried to provide
information about each type of operating system.

Библиографические ссылки


Gulomov S.S., Shermukhamedov A.T., Begalov B.A. Economic informatics. T.:

"Uzbekistan", 1999. - pp. 289-295, 309-356.

Akhmetov K.S. Windows 95 for all sex. - M.: TOO firm <>,

- pp. 172-215.

Informatics. Uchebnik.- 3rd ed., pererab.- M.: Finance-statistics, 1999.- Pages 297-

Informatics. Basic course./ Simonovich S.V. i dr. Spb.: izd.: Peter, 2000.- pp. 114-

Glushakov S.V., Melnikov I.V. Personal computer. Educational course.-Kharkov:

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Figurnov V.E. For IBM PC users. Basic course. Moscow: Infra, 1996. - Pages


Rahmonkulova S.I. Working on an IBM PC. Tashkent, NMK "Sharq"-INSTAR,

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