Hamidullayev Fathulla Lutfullayevich

Gulomjonov Botirjon Gulomjon ogli

Ключевые слова: Key words: sterile physiological solution, Petri dishes, pure culture,: Pasteur, Koch, Drigalsky, physical, chemical and biological methods, pathogenic anaerobes, disinfectant solution, Biotest method, proteolytic properties, lead acetate, indicator paper 'oz, sodium bicarbonate, distilled water, MPB, oxalic acid, GP, etc.


Abstract: In this article, detailed information on the methods of planting and
replanting microorganisms in a dense and liquid nutrient medium was obtained and
studied. First, we put 10 ml of sterile physiological solution in every 2-3 tubes 9 ml of
GPA in 5-6 test tubes, graduated pipettes and 5-6 sterile Petri dishes, a mixture of
several types of bacteria in a test tube (staphylococci, salmonella, hay bacillus). Cells
of microorganisms grown in a liquid nutrient medium are taken in a sterile pipette, less
often - with a needle. In order not to damage the cells of microorganisms, the hook
(needle) is cooled by touching the inner surface of the container or the place where the
microbe does not grow in the nutrient medium, and only then a smaller amount of
microbial mass is taken. comparison of the results was studied.

Библиографические ссылки


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