Gulomova Munavvara

Akhmedov Azimjon

Ключевые слова: Key words: various categories, Message translation units, metalinguistic obstacle, syntactical structures.


Annotation. A translation unit is the smallest portion of a sentence whose words
cannot be translated separately without resulting in a mistranslation or nonsense. This
article given information about translation units.

Библиографические ссылки


Bassnett, Susan and A. Lefever(eds.). Translation, History & Culture[A].London

and New York: Printer, 1990.

Barkhudarov. Yuyan Yu Fanyi (Language and Translation, translated by Cai Yi,

Yu Jie and Duan Jinghua)[M].Peking: China Translation and Publishing

Corporation, 1985.

Guo Jianzhong. "Translation Unit in Chinese-English Translation" [J]. Journal of

Foreign Languages, 2001(6),49-56.

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