S.М. Akhmadaliyeva



In world linguistics, several new directions of anthropocentric paradigm such as
sociolinguistic, linguocultural, pragmatic, psycholinguistic, neurolinguistic have
emerged. Currently, the study of pragmatonyms among all units of the onomastic scale
based on a new paradigm is on the agenda. Therefore, analyzing the linguistic, cultural
and socio-linguistic features of pragmatonyms provides important information about
the national-cultural identity of the people, the national way of seeing the world,
religious-mythological views, traditions, values, and social-political life. it acquires a
special scientific and theoretical importance in learning and illuminating the gradual
improvement of the language. Within the framework of Uzbek onomastics,
pragmatonyms have not been specially collected and monographically researched.
Researching all pragmatonyms that are currently in practice on the basis of the
achievements of modern linguistics is one of the urgent tasks. Because "paying
attention to our mother tongue, which is the symbol of our national identity, the basis
of our spirituality will be further strengthened ". In this sense, research, classification
and description of lexical-semantic, nominative-motivational, etymological,
derivational, structural, sociolinguistic and linguocultural characteristics of
pragmatonyms, and on this basis, enriching Uzbek onomastics with scientific-
theoretical views and practical interpretations of pragmatonyms is in front of the field
and one of the important tasks.

Библиографические ссылки

Used literature;

Яковлева О.Е. Прагматонимы в системе собственных имен: семантика,

функции, национально-культурная специфика.

Яхшиева З. Инглиз вa ўзбек тиллaридa туризмга оид лексикaнинг

лингвомaдaний жиҳaтлари. Academic Research in Educational Sciences

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 | 2021 ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor

(SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-

CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89 DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-11-1346-1352