Mirzayeva Mohigul
Zubaydova Nilufar
Ключевые слова: Key words: Kindergarten, foreign language learning, early childhood education, cognitive development, Uzbekistan
Abstract: Learning foreign languages in kindergarten has become increasingly
important in today's globalized world. Early exposure to foreign languages can have
numerous cognitive, academic, and social benefits for young learners. In this article,
we will discuss the importance of learning foreign languages in kindergarten, the
potential benefits for children, and the ways in which early language learning can be
implemented in educational settings. We will also explore the specific context of
Uzbekistan and provide examples of how early language learning is being promoted in
the country.
Библиографические ссылки
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Ismailov, A. (2020). The Role of Early Language Learning in Cognitive
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Karimova, N. (2019). Integrating English Language Instruction into
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Education Press.
Yuldasheva, D. (2017). Promoting Multilingualism in Early Childhood
Education: Lessons from Uzbekistan. International Journal of Multilingual Education,
(2), 87-102.