Salimova Diyora Bakhtiyorjon kizi
Ключевые слова: Key words: Mediation, alternative method, mediator, parties, discretion, dispute, mediation, professional and non-professional mediator, mediation agreement.
Annotation: Today, in advanced countries with a developed legal system, the use
of alternative methods of dispute resolution is widespread, and more than 80 percent
of cases are resolved by use of mediation. This article highlights the introduction of
mediation in the territory of Uzbekistan, its advantages and importance, which played
an important role in the reform of the judicial system.
Библиографические ссылки
Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Mediation" (National database of legal
documents, 04.07.2018)
The Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 29,
Regulation on the procedure for formation and maintenance of the register of
professional mediators based on the order No. 533.