
Rasulova Oysanam


Italian literature in the 17th and 18th centuries witnessed significant developments
and produced several renowned writers and works. This period, known as the Baroque
and Enlightenment era, marked a transition from the Renaissance and brought about
new literary trends and styles. Here are some notable authors and works from Italian
literature during the 17th and 18th centuries:

Библиографические ссылки

Here are some reference books that you can consult for a comprehensive overview

of Italian literature:

"A History of Italian Literature" by Peter Brand and Lino Pertile: This book

provides a comprehensive survey of Italian literature

"The Cambridge Companion to Modern Italian Culture" edited by Zygmunt G.

Barański and Rebecca J. West.

"The Oxford Handbook of Italian Literature and Culture" edited by Paolo

Bartoloni and Donatella Bartolomei.

"Italian Literature: A Very Short Introduction" by Peter Hainsworth.

"A Companion to Italian Literature: From the Origins to the Present" edited by

Peter Hainsworth and David Robey.

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