Sayfullayev Ramziddin Fazliddinovich

Abdullayeva Mexriniso Ibragim qizi

Tojiyev Asadbek Nizomjon òģli

Axtamov Daler Akmalovich

Keywords: Keywords: Acquired heart disease is a disease of the heart during life, mostly rheumatic carditis, sometimes atherosclerosis, septic endocarditis, wounds, etc. appears as a result of diseases. Acquired heart defects: non-tight closing of the heart valves (at the time of closing); narrowing (stenosis) of the opening between the ventricles (right and left ventricles) or the outlet of the main vessels; a combination of these defects, a defect in one or more valves, etc. enters.


Annotation persistent defect, deficiency and changes in the anatomical
structure of the heart; interferes with normal blood flow. A distinction is made between
congenital and acquired heart disease. Congenital heart defects occur as a result of
incorrect formation of the fetal heart and large vessels of the heart during embryonic
development. In the early period of pregnancy, poisoning of the mother's body,
suffering from some diseases, biological effects of ionizing rays, hereditary diseases,
etc. cause.



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