
  • Muhiddinov Sardarkhan
  • Mustafayev J.Sh.


Key words: Jadid, madrasa, intellectuals, party, Tsar's government, Order of Merit, independence.


Abstract: Liberating Turkestan from medieval backwardness and religious prejudice, reforming Sharia, spreading enlightenment to the people, the struggle to establish an autonomous government in Turkestan, freedom by establishing a constitutional monarchy and parliament in Bukhara and Khiva, and later a democratic republic system. and building a prosperous society, introducing a stable national currency and building a national army.


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How to Cite

Muhiddinov Sardarkhan, & Mustafayev J.Sh. (2024). SOCIO-POLITICAL VIEWS OF JADIDISM REPRESENTATIVES. Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 21(7), 150–155. Retrieved from