Mansurov Ilxomjon Islomjon o’g’li


  • Mansurov Ilxomjon Islomjon o’g’li Andijon mashinasozlik Instituti 1-kurs tayanch doktoranti, Andijon shahar, O’zbekistan


Avtomobil, salon qismi, temperature, haydovchi va yo’lovchi, ekspluatatsiya, HVAC tizimi, ishonchlilik, IGBT tranzitor, NREL laboratoriyasi, Cadillac, AC tizimi, ICE tizimi, EV tizimi, ishlash davri.


Bugungi kunda avtomobillarsiz hayotimizni tasavur qilish qiyin. Kundan kunga yangi turdagi va zomonaviy avtomobillar yaratilmoqda. Ularga qo‟yilayotgan asosiy talab esa ularning xavfsizlik darajasi va ishonchliligi hisoblanadi. Ushbu maqolada yengil avtotransport vositalariga kunning issiq davrlarida ularni salon qismini qay darajada isib ketishib va buning natijasida yuzaga kelishi mumkin muammolar, shuningek ularga bir qator yechimlar haqida ma‟lumotlar keltirilgan.


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Levinson R, Pan H, Ban-Weiss G, Rosado P, Paolini R, Akbari H. Potential benefits of solar reflective car shells: cooler cabins, fuel savings and emission reductions. Appl Energy 2011;88(12):4343–57.

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Saidur R, Masjuki HH, Hasanuzzaman M. Performance of an improved solar car ventilator. Int J Mech Mater Eng 2009;4(1):24–34.

Jha KK, Bhanot V, Ryali V. A simple model for calculating vehicle thermal loads. SAE Tech Pap 2013: 2013–01-0855.

Rugh J, Farrington R. Vehicle ancillary load reduction project close-out report. An overview of the task and a compilation of the research results. Report. Washington: National Renewable Energy Laboratory; 2008 Jan. Report No.: NREL/TP-540-42454.

Rugh J. Impact of Sungate EP on PHEV performance results of a simulated solar reflective glass PHEV dynamometer test. Report. Washington: National Renewable Energy Laboratory; 2009 June. Report No.: NREL/TP-540-45908.

Ozeki Y, Harita Y, Hirano A, Nishihama J. Evaluation on the solar reduction glass in an electric vehicle by experimental measurements in a climate chamber. SAE Tech Pap 2014: 2014-01-0703.

Rugh JP, Farrington RB, Boettcher JA. The impact of metal-free solar reflective film on vehicle climate control. SAE Tech Pap 2001: 2001-01-1721



How to Cite

Andijon mashinasozlik Instituti 1-kurs tayanch doktoranti, Andijon shahar, O’zbekistan, M. I. I. o’g’li. (2024). AVTOMOBIL SALON QISMINI QUYOSH NURLARIDA VA ISSIQLIKLARDAN SAQLASH USULLARI VA RIVOJLANISH TENDENSIYALARI: Mansurov Ilxomjon Islomjon o’g’li. Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 22(2), 26–30. Retrieved from http://web-journal.ru/index.php/journal/article/view/5707