
  • Islomova Lobar Muhiddin qizi
  • A.S.Nazarov


Team management is having an increasing impact on project performance in addition to overall organizational performance. To provide a performance-enhancing environment ,  many  organizations  are  transitioning  toward a  team-oriented  structure. Employee empowerment, employee motivation, and leadership have become critical in this context (Hickson, 2015).  Many authors who conducted studies on project management leadership have commendably fixated on the characteristics of project managers and their actions (Cicmil et al., 2009), while a few authors have investigated its impacts relying on recent team leadership  theories  (Clarke,  2012). Leadership  is a critical  element  of  organizational performance as well as at the project team level (Ammeter & Dukerich, 2002; Nicolaides et al., 2014).  Leadership and employee empowerment have become critical for increasing team effectiveness (Pearce, 2007). However, neither project studies nor leadership research has given  project  leadership  the  attention  it  deserves  (Müller  et  al.,  2018).  In  project management, several  scholars’  such as  Ika (2009) concentrate on the use of tools and techniques. Though, many authors such as Meredith et al. (2017) have written about it in recent years and  highlighted that  the leadership factor is  considered important  in the conduct of projects. For many years, transformational leadership has been a subject of great attention among scholars. As a result, there is a significant body of research on the impact of this leadership style on the efficacy and success of organizations


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How to Cite

Islomova Lobar Muhiddin qizi, & A.S.Nazarov. (2024). MANAGEMENT AND TEAM PERFORMANCE: AN APPLIED TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP PERSPECTIVE. Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 21(4), 101–105. Retrieved from