
  • Dilshoda Kuliyeva Safarovna


Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Psychocorrection, Socialization, Intervention, Communication, Behavioral Therapy


Annotation: This article explores the significance of psychocorrection tasks in
facilitating the socialization of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD). Through a comprehensive literature analysis, the paper investigates existing
research on psychocorrection methods, their effectiveness, and their impact on social
development in children with ASD. The study also presents a detailed account of the
methods employed, the results obtained, and a thorough discussion on the
implications of these findings for future interventions. The article concludes with
suggestions for further research and practical implications for professionals working
with children on the autism spectrum.



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How to Cite

Dilshoda Kuliyeva Safarovna. (2023). PSYCHOCORRECTION TASKS IN THE SOCIALIZATION OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SYNDROME . Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 9(3), 164–167. Retrieved from