Mamatova Nargiza Toirjonovna

Akhmedov Abdumannon Abdullo son

Ключевые слова: Keywords: knowledge, education, student, universitet.


Annotation: Today, there is no doubt that the form of labor organization affects
its result. In medical universities, the pedagogical value of independent work depends,
first of all, on how students' activities are organized. At the same time, it is necessary
to imagine that the form of organizing independent work is a certain arrangement of
participants in the educational process, ways of interaction between the teacher and the
student, and the students themselves. At a medical university, in the process of
independent activity, a student must learn to identify cognitive tasks, determine ways
to solve them, carry out operations to control the correctness of solving the assigned
tasks and at the same time improve the skills of implementing theoretical knowledge.
It should be emphasized that the formation of skills and abilities in independent work
of a medical university student proceeds both on a conscious and intuitive basis.

Библиографические ссылки


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