Azimova Shakhnoza Shukhratovna,

Saidov Akbar Ahadovich

Ключевые слова: Key words: tooth-jaw; bite deformations; children; algorithm; bite anomaly; orthopedic treatment; malocclusion.


Annotation. In recent years, the world dental practice has made significant
progress in providing high-quality care to patients. This was facilitated by certain
achievements in the study of the etiology of dental diseases, the creation of effective
methods of their treatment using the latest achievements in dental materials science
and modern medical equipment.
At the same time, as clinical experience shows, doctors increasingly have to deal
with patients who complain about a poorly manufactured prosthesis, which is,
nevertheless, a foreign body, because of the pain and tactile discomfort that occurs in
the first time after they are installed in the mouth.

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