Akramov Iqboljon

Ключевые слова: Kalit so’zlar: Davlat budjeti, kamchiliklar, yechimlar, iqtisodiyot, xarajat, rejalashtirish, moliya.


Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqola orqali mamlakatimiz budjed tizimidagi asosiy
muammo ya’ni taqsimlashdagi muammolarni o’rganadi. Mavjud muammolarni
o’rganib ularni tahlil qiladi. Bundan tashqari budjed tushumlari prognozlari haqida
raqamlar mavjud. Budjed tizimida kamchiliklarni to’g’irlashning asosiy yo’llari haqida
takliflar berdim. Yakunda xulosalar va qo’shimcha takliflar bilan maqolani

Библиографические ссылки

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar

Ilyosov, А. (2020). Some problems in digital production and export of industrial

products in the digital economy// Economics and finance. 2020. №3. 175-182 p.

ISSN 2010-9997

Kurpayanidi, K. I., & Ilyosov, A. A. (2020). Problems of the use of digital

technologies in industry in the context of increasing the export potential of the

country. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 10 (90), 113-117. Doi:


Kurpayanidi, K. et al. (2020). The issue of a competitive national innovative system

formation in Uzbekistan. E3S Web of Conferences. – EDP Sciences, 2020. – Т.

– С. 04024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202015904024

Ilyosov, A.A. (2022). Sanoat mahsulotlari eksporti: hududiy tahlil, omillar va

eksportdagi tendentsiyalar (Farg’ona viloyati misolida). Nazariy va amaliy

tadqiqotlar xalqaro jurnali, 2 (1), 31-39. Doi:


Abdullayev, A. M., & Kurpayanidi, K. I. (2020) Analysis of industrial enterprise

management systems: essence, methodology and problems. Journal of Critical

Reviews, 7 (14), 1254-1260. https://dx.doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/E6JFS.

Ilyosov, A. (2021). Prospects for the use of mechanisms based on the cluster

approach in the development of exports of industrial products. Electronic journal of

actual problems of modern science, education and training, 67-78.

Ilyosov, A. А. (2020). Industrial and regional analysis of industrial production and

export in Uzbekistan. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development

(IJRD), 5(10), 173-179.