Sayfullayev Ramziddin Fazliddinovich)
Toshmurodov Ravshan Ixtiyor ôgli
Karimov Xumoyin Bobur o’g’li
Keywords: KeywordsThe goal of medical education is to transform the student from practitioner to healer. Medical education reform has produced significant movement from a process-driven approach, with a focus on defining requirements by time, to an outcomes-driven model, with a focus on defining relevant competencies and selecting the experiences that help learners achieve them. As part of this reform, a topic of rich discussion has been the time allocated to medical school, particularly the fourth year. There is growing recognition by students and faculty of the limited value of a senior year focused on the National Resident Matching Program (“the Match”) as the predominant driver of content, with its random collection of “audition rotations.” That said, we acknowledge that each year, the Match grows more stressful as medical schools expand. The goal of medical education is to transform the student from practitioner to healer. Medical education reform has produced significant movement from a process-driven approach, with a focus on defining requirements by time, to an outcomes-driven model, with a focus on defining relevant competencies and selecting the experiences that help learners achieve them. As part of this reform, a topic of rich discussion has been the time allocated to medical school, particularly the fourth year. There is growing recognition by students and faculty of the limited value of a senior year focused on the National Resident Matching Program (“the Match”) as the predominant driver of content, with its random collection of “audition rotations.” That said, we acknowledge that each year, the Match grows more stressful as medical schools expand.
Annotation: The top priority in overhauling the innovation system has to be
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should use this opportunity to drive a health-innovation strategy that is more efficient
and reactive to global public-health needs — one that will leave our innovation systems
in better health to deal more effectively with the challenges.
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Laura Shane-McWhorter, PharmD Complementary Health and Diabetes
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