Abdusamadova Sarvinoz Maxmudjon qizi
Keywords: Key words: skill, attitude, communication, attitude, inclusive education, language.
Abstract: In today's interconnected world characterized by globalization,
migration and digital communication, the ability to navigate diverse cultural
landscapes and communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds has
become a critical skill. Intercultural awareness and intercultural competence are key
concepts that underpin successful intercultural interactions and are important
components of education in an increasingly multicultural society refers to differences
in values, beliefs, norms, and behaviors that exist among individuals. This involves
developing a deep awareness of one's own cultural identity, while being open and
respectful of the different perspectives and practices of others.
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Byram & Gerundy. Context and Culture in Language Teaching and Learning.
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Byram & Gerundy. Context and Culture in Language Teaching and Learning. 2003
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International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and
perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
Cefr, "Diskuss kompetensiyasi va fuksional kompetentsiya"-2002- 101-130-b
E.Sheyn."Til" // " Madaniy elementlarni e'tiborsiz qoldirishga moyil bo'lgan til
o'rgatish muammosi" 2004-32-76